Rebecca Silverman
The first Valley Cup of the 2015-2016 school year followed typical protocol with an extravagant showcase by the cheerleading team, a relay race built around bizarre, yet entertaining tasks, and a soccer shootout, all preceded by two dress up days. In fact, it was truly impressive how flooded the crowds were with green and orange in honor of Zack Latteri.
I’m glad to see we have all survived the overwhelming excitement and/or post-traumatic stress brought on by this past Friday’s Valley Cup. It was amazing to look out from the senior bleachers at the freshmen experiencing their first ever Valley Cup and picture myself having been in their very seats four years ago. And yes, I was in fact seated in the senior bleachers. I, too, was disappointed to learn that writing this article did not get me any sort of box seats or sideline privileges.
When all was said and done, the juniors claimed first place with 270 points, followed by the sophomores with 265 points. In third and fourth were the seniors with 233 points and the freshmen with 229 points.
Though currently in last place, the freshman class put forth a commendable effort, especially with the dress up days. While the majority of freshmen were clearly very enthusiastic about their first ever Valley Cup experience, it seems as though the graduating class of 2016 has lost some of its zeal for the festivities, and understandably so.
After winning last year, we have dropped all the way to third place. While I award much credit to each and every upperclassman who still has the motivation to go all out for the occasion, I too have felt a lull in the excitement. In fact, I had almost slept through it. By the time I had awoken from my much needed homeroom nap, the seniors had already made their way down to the gym. I at least felt reassured in knowing that I was not one of the last seniors there; those would be the students whose plan to escape the wrath of the festivities was foiled. That’s what happens when you cannot find a better hiding place than the hallway. As someone who is not particularly proud of my fleeting interest in the Valley Cup, perhaps I can offer some insight into this dip in enthusiasm.
The Valley Cup is no doubt a sight to behold for the freshmen who have never taken part in such an event before, but for those of us approaching our fourth year being a part of it, the same old events seem to be getting a bit tired. Not to say that there is anything wrong with the status quo, but for how long have these events been planned using the same basic formula consisting of a relay of sorts and a sports competition or two? With only four Valley Cups a year, we get to see a bit of variety later on with choreographed acts and instrumental performances. However, I cannot help but feel that it is past time to switch it up a little.
In fact, it was just the other day that somebody had recalled to me a vivid memory of an event our freshman year in which a camera followed two students from each grade as they searched the school for a teacher-sized leprechaun. In the meantime, another student from each class scrambled to draw a caricature of another leprechaun model. I realize that was a seasonal thing, but it is certainly somewhere to start as far as inspiration. I personally would enjoy seeing it done again, but instead of a wild goose chase for a mythological creature, the students could perhaps embark on a scavenger hunt for something easier to find such as various types of profanities and crude anatomical drawings scribbled around the school. I’m sure all items on the list could be found in under 10 minutes total.
Perhaps there are a few flaws to be worked out with that plan, but it is just a starting point. At least I am trying. What type of activities would you guys like to see? Which did you enjoy watching or participating in this time? I mean, we have a comment section on here for a reason. I am sure the school council would welcome feedback. After all, they put a lot of effort into the events that they plan for us.
If they add an event that I am good at, perhaps I will even participate in the next Valley Cup. However, I doubt procrastination and mindless doodling are to be added to the roster any time soon.
Anyhow, last week’s Valley Cup was a grand time to be had by all and could not have been possible without the work of our student government and the teachers who run it. With three more to go, I cannot wait to see what new events might await us. In the meantime, I’ll be on the lookout for any profane declarations of self expression etched into the school walls and furniture just in case.