Athlete of the Week: Henry Tipping
Senior is first to be named AOTW for two different sports
Henry Tipping is the Smoke Signal’s Athlete of the Week for the second time.
Name: Henry Tipping
Sport: Golf
Grade: Senior
The Lowdown: Tipping, who is also a varsity bowler, has been starting on varsity for golf since his freshman year. Tipping recently posted scores of 40 and 41 for 9 holes. He is hoping to qualify for the State Tournament in May. Tipping was named The Smoke Signal’s Athlete of the Week for bowling during Feb. 2017. He is the first to be a Smoke Signal Athlete of the Week for two different sports.
What He Likes Most About His Sport: “The people you meet, the relationships you make can last a lifetime, and you can still play it at an older age.”
Funniest Moment: All the jokes he has with the other teams.
Best Thing About PV: “The culture and how everyone is pretty much a family.”
Best All-Time Score: For nine holes, Tipping’s lowest ever score is a 33, which equates to 3 under par. For 18 holes, his lowest ever score is a 76, which equates to four over par.
How Did He Get Into Golf: His dad used to be an avid golfer so Tipping followed suit and became interested in the sport.
Best Type of Shot: “My short game because it can get me out of trouble a lot.”
Bowling or Golf: Golf because of the positive relationships he has with many of the other players.
What About “Leisure Sports” Interests Him: “I use to play almost every sport but it got to the point where a lot of people got better than me. But with golf and bowling I ended up staying [good] at it.”
Favorite Actor/Actress: Will Ferrell
Favorite Movie: Stand By Me
Favorite Music Artist: Logic
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons
Favorite Pro Athlete: Kyrie Irving
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cookies and cream
One Superpower: Flying
What He Does In His Free Time: Play sports or video games
Role Models: His parents have always been Tipping’s most positive role models.
Future Plans: To go to college and possibly continue with golf and/or bowling.
Dream Vacation Spot: Italy
How Does it Feel to be a Two Time Athlete of the Week: “Pretty cool, especially since it was for two [different] sports but mainly it is good to be recognized for what you do.”