Athlete of the Week: Nick Battista
Name: Nick Battista
Sport: Track and Field
Grade: Senior
Position: Discus
The Lowdown: Battista won the Bergen County relays and threw 151.6 feet, the 8th best mark of all Group 3 discus throwers. He placed fourth in the section North Jersey 1 Group 3 meet, at 137.2 feet, qualifying him for the state group meet. Battista also won the Bergen County North Championship for disc with a distance of 147.7 feet. In this years dual meet, he got 25 out of a possible 25 points, which means he won every head to head contest in the division. He was seated #1 overall in the North 1 Group 3 State Sectionals and placed 4th overall. Now, he will head to State Groups this Saturday, June 3rd to compete for the State Championship.
Coach’s Comment: “Nick is a hard working young man who has taken a great interest in disc the past two years. Nick is a high character athlete who has earned the respect from his peers as well as his coach. Nick has a great personality and always knows how to make practice light hearted, especially on days when his peers are not having such a great throwing practice. He is the first to arrive to practice and the last to leave. In the end, I want Nick to have fun and trust his technique. He has all the tools to throw 170-plus feet, he just needs to be comfortable and confident in himself. He has been the best disc thrower I’ve had over the 12 years of my coaching career.” – Pascack Valley throwing coach Bill VanKersen
Favorite Actor/Actress: James Franco and Angelina Jolie
Favorite Movie: 22 Jump Street
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Grier
Favorite Subject: Forensic Science
Favorite Food: Hamburger
Four People He’d Like To Meet: Donald Trump, James Franco, Eddie Hall, 50 Cent
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Milk and Cookies from Ben and Jerry’s
One Superpower: Invisibility
Role Models: “Obviously my parents, that would be the obvious answer. They are my top role models but outside of that it would be my older brother because he has accomplished so much in his life.”
Favorite TV Show: Bob’s Burgers
Future Plans: Battista is going to the University of New Haven in Connecticut for forensic psychology. He wants to have a job related to criminal justice after he graduates.
Favorite Player: Stephen Curry
Favorite Team: Golden State Warriors
One Place He/She Has Always Wanted To Go: Aruba
Last Watched On Netflix: The Office