Athlete of the Week: Scott Morris
Junior bowler has an average of 205.3 this season
Scott Morris is The Smoke Signal’s Athlete of the Week for this week. He is on the bowling team.
Name: Scott Morris
Sport: Bowling
Grade: Junior
The Lowdown: Morris thus far has a season average of 205.3 . He is one of the main reasons that Valley has jumped out to a 10-0 start. According to PV Coach Judy Lucia, Morris has been the Indians’ “most consistent” bowler this year.
What He Likes Most About His Sport: “I like the team and individual challenges.”
Best Sport Memory: “Our bus never showed up for state sectionals so we had to all carpool in one car and people were sitting on the roof.”
Proudest Moment Bowling: “Going into the tenth frame with nine straight strikes, three strikes away from a perfect game”
Funniest Moment: When he was a freshman and after he got a strike in practice, he dabbed to celebrate, but did it wrong. Morris’s “personal dance move” has been a joke around the team ever since.
Best Thing About PV: “The teachers because they always have a positive attitude”
How Did You Get Into Bowling: “I have been bowling since I was 3 years old so at this point it is second nature to me. ”
What Is Your Highest Ever Bowling Score: 277
Favorite Actor/Actress: Adam Sandler
Favorite Movie: Miracle
Favorite Music Artists: Imagine Dragons
Favorite Song: Thunderstruck
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Rose (PV History Teacher)
Favorite TV Show: SportsCenter
Favorite Pro Athlete: Henrik Lundqvist
Favorite Sports Team: New York Rangers
Favorite Animal: Dog
Four People Living Or Dead He Would Invite To A Dinner Party: Henrik Lundqvist, John F. Kennedy, Pete Weber, and Herb Brooks
One Superpower: Superspeed
What He Does In His Free Time: To hang out with friends and go bowling.
Dream Vacation Spot: Hawaii
Patriots or Eagles in Super Bowl LII: Morris doesn’t like either team, but prefers the Philadelphia Eagles.