Applying to college can be a stressful process that every senior has to go through if they intend on going to college after graduation. Though stress is inevitable, there are ways to calm the anxiety and uncertainty that you are feeling.
The Pascack Valley Guidance and Wellness Offices have offered recommendations on how to stay organized and stay calm when applying.
On the application itself, guidance counselors, Jordan Kapp, Mary Jo Callanan, and Frank Andrisani gave some helpful tips.
“Tackle the application piece by piece instead of doing it all in one day from start to finish,” Kapp said.
In addition, Callanan gave similar guidance.
“Keep a running list of tasks you need to complete,” Callanan said.
As a final word of advice, Andrisani said to “find out requirements for the applications early on.”
Overall, researching and visiting the schools you are planning to apply to is definitely a good place to start. SCOIR, a service available through the Pascack Valley, as well as Niche, Collegevine, and Cappex, are reliable online resources where you can learn more about different schools. Even if you are almost or completely finished with your applications, the Guidance Office recommends that you find out as much information as you can. Remember, you are trying to find the best-fit school for you, not your parents, siblings, or friends.
On the wellness side, Rossig suggests that students “keep a balance of the other things in your life such as self-care, socializing with friends, and getting enough sleep as well as staying on top of your schoolwork and extracurriculars.”
If you are struggling with more of the mental health and wellness standpoint of the application process, the Wellness Office is open for you to come in and talk. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to a counselor, you can talk with other students who are going through the same thing as you. According to Rossig, “it can help normalize the uncertainty you are feeling.”
Every student is different, which means the process of applying is different for everyone. Your journey might be different than your friend’s and that’s okay. You may be applying to three schools and your friend may be applying to 15, and again, that is okay. Though some aspects of those journeys can overlap, it is a personal experience for every applicant.
As a senior with impending deadlines myself, I have found there are a few crucial aspects in the process. One of which is that it is important to ask questions. Whether it’s a question you’re asking yourself, a guidance counselor, or an admissions officer, it is very important to do so.

As you are getting closer to submitting your applications, make sure you ask for help from the guidance office for general questions or email the admissions counselor for specific questions about a school you’re applying to. Though I’m sure you’ve heard this a thousand times, it is important to not procrastinate, since it will only make you more stressed in the long run.
Regarding the application process itself, when you are completing the questions and inputting information, it is helpful to have someone look over it, whether that person is a parent and/or your guidance counselor. As well as this, when you are putting the finishing touches on your personal essay and writing your supplementals, the PV Writing Center is incredibly helpful. The English teachers will be able to help you revise your personal essay as well as help you figure out some ideas for your supplemental writing. Overall, it is a good idea to start as early as you can as you are completing your applications.
After you submit your applications, it’s important to be patient. Though waiting to hear back is stressful and scary, it’s important to not let it overtake the other parts of your life. As well as being patient, you should allow yourself to be flexible and keep an open mind about things.
Good luck to all the seniors applying this year!