Friday’s match proves important for golf team
On Friday, the golf team posted the lowest score that it has scored in two years. Playing at Orchard Hills for the first time in three years, the team faced Dumont. Winning the match 168-204, it was one of the most impressive rounds of golf that the Indians have played in the past three years.
“We played our best golf at a good time, it was nice to see Kevin Smith step up in a match that we needed to win,” said Calvin Ralph, a junior.
Smith, a sophomore, shot the low score of the match of 41 in one of his first varsity matches, Ralph shot a 43.
Rob Carcich and Will Gallagher both scored 42. The scores of Smith, Ralph, Carcich and Gallagher were the ones that counted for the match.
Going forward, the team needs to put up their best scores in order to qualify for the State Tournament. With the cut off being this Friday, the team needs to step up in order to qualify.
But Carcich is optimistic.
“If we can keep putting up these low numbers,” he said, “I think we’ll finish the season strong.”