Bittersweet Valley Cup for senior class president
Cohn gets mobbed by crowd after win, breaks clavicle
Try dragging the above picture to the left and right using the white bar. This is Pascack Valley senior class council president Josh Cohn before and after his 2016 class won the Valley Cup Thursday for the second straight year.
On the left, he is preparing to perform in his senior dance routine, which won first place among the classes and helped the seniors claim the Valley Cup. On the right, no longer than a half hour later, he is being tended to in PV’s athletic trainer’s office for a broken left clavicle.

The seniors rush the court after winning the Valley Cup.
At the end of the Valley Cup Thursday, it was announced that the winners were the seniors, and as class president, Cohn was presented with the trophy in the middle of the gymnasium. A rushing of the court by much of the senior class followed, and Cohn quickly found himself at the bottom of a pile.
“The senior class pretty much knew that we had the Valley Cup in the bag,” Cohn said. “So when I was talking to a couple guys in the first few rows of the bleachers, they said they wanted to storm the court once they announced that the seniors had won.”
“I saw a massive swarm of senior boys charging at me to celebrate, and I jumped up with them to cheer, but I accidentally got knocked down by Joe [Williams] and then everyone else fell on top of us and formed a big dog pile,” he continued.
Cohn immediately felt a snap in his left shoulder, and assumed it was dislocated. After a walk to athletic trainer Bill Reger’s office, he learned that he had actually broken his collarbone, and went to Valley Hospital in Ridgewood for further evaluation.
He will be having surgery this Thursday morning at the Montvale Surgical Center to re-attach the bone that was snapped. The timetable for recovery will be six weeks, and he is expected to be in a sling for that amount of time.
Of course, this means he will be missing the annual senior white water rafting trip in the coming weeks, and will also be in his sling for graduation and prom. Although slightly disappointed, Cohn does not completely regret the incident, and notes how it was special moment that he will remember.
“Winning the cup back to back years was 100 percent worth the injury, especially winning it senior year,” he said. “It definitely made the end of my senior year a memorable one.”