“Love Isn’t” newsroom project presents Pascack Period event

The students of Morone’s class prep for their “Love Isn’t” newsroom event.
Recently, Mr. Matthew Morone, an Honors English 2 teacher here at Pascack Valley, assigned “newsroom” projects to students from his period one, four, five, and seven classes. The mission for each class was to select an issue that is significant in today’s society. This is the third year that Morone has assigned his students to these newsroom projects. At the beginning of the year, each class voted on a cause that they were the most interested in.
Because there is a lot of work to be done for each class, Morone devised a system that applies to all newsroom groups which splits the students’ work up into the following four groups: organization, promotion, documentation, and production. Honors 2 students will be able to gage their success in following through on their original mission statement based off of how successful the event is.
Morone’s seventh period class, “Love Isn’t,” is concentrating on teen dating violence and abuse. Dating violence is classified as controlling, abusive, and aggressive behavior in a romantic relationship. It can include verbal, emotional, physical, sexual abuse, or a mixture of each. Such abuse can occur in person, electronically, or with a current or former dating partner. The mission for this matter is to raise awareness and educate others about the dangers of dating violence.
There will be an event held today during Pascack Period with food, a self-defense class, and a photo booth. Former PV student and anti-domestic violence advocator, Summer Flanagan, will be speaking during the event.
The “Love Isn’t” documentary trailer can be found below:
Sophomore Jamie Bader feels that this project is important since a lot of people do not understand how common teen dating abuse is.
“Students in this school think your boyfriend/girlfriend isolating you from your friends or telling you what you can wear and who you can hang out with is normal, but it’s not,” she said. “I’m glad we could choose a project that could actually teach people what an unhealthy relationship looks like and how to get out or help in you are in one.”
For more information on teen dating violence, visit the “Love Isn’t” website.