More senior privileges withheld than previous years
Parking, leaving building during lunch not permitted for select students
Seventy seniors had their senior privileges suspended due to 20 combined absences and tardies, and around 25 students who had more than one D letter grade. Student privileges were also withheld for instances of misconduct and violations of the student handbook, according to Assistant Principal John Puccio.
“If I had a list, I would believe the number of students [whose privileges were suspended] for lateness, grades, or conduct [was] more this year in comparison to previous years,” Puccio said.
These select students received a letter in the mail from Pascack Valley over the summer that disclosed that their senior privileges, such as parking and leaving the building during lunch hours, had been suspended for “variable reasons.”
Students are able to reapply for their privileges on Oct. 7.
If these requirements were not violated, qualified seniors were granted their senior privileges going into the school year.
“Everyone has a different story and we understand that, and we’re sensitive to if you were late or absent,” Puccio said. “If someone has a concern and wants to talk, you can call in and have a discussion with [PV’s new assistant principal] Mrs. Pollinger.”