Nicole Buldo will be attending the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She will be pursuing a degree in food sciences.
Nicole Buldo
(Editor’s Note: Nicole Buldo will be attending the University of Amherst and plans to pursue a degree in food sciences.)
Shah: What inspired you to pursue this major?
Buldo: My aunt did food science a bunch with her mom, but she worked with [a] company. I always thought [her job] was so cool. And then, just throughout school, science and math have always been my stronger areas. And so, I was like, “What can I combine? I don’t want to be a doctor.” I was like, “What can I do that [involves science, but is also cool]?” And I also love food.
Shah: What classes or activities at PV or outside of school helped you choose this major?
Buldo: Well, so not anything inside of school, but outside I have a job at an ice cream place, and they also make chocolate. So, sometimes I’ll go downstairs and watch them make it, and it’s so cool to me. That’s not really food science, it’s more just making food, but seeing the food industry [is pretty cool].
Shah: Is there a specific career you want to pursue?
Buldo: So, I’m not decided on that. Food science is a very broad major. There’s a lot of ways I could go into marketing [or] I can be like an actual scientist and work in a lab. There’s just so many different paths I can take with it. So, that’s why I like choosing that [major], because I don’t know what I want.