Opinion: Leaked Court draft on the overturning of Roe v. Wade is a step backward
Editors Emily Moy and Sophie Kolax share their opinions on the recent Supreme Court document leak and the possible overturning of the benchmark case Roe v. Wade.
Editor’s Note: The opinions presented in this article are not necessarily that of The PV Student Publication or its staff.
Content warning: r*pe
In a shocking and horrific turn of events, it seems that the Supreme Court is going to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark court case that protects a women’s right to choose to have an abortion.
On the evening of May 2, Politico reported that they had obtained a draft ruling from inside the court that stated, “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start…We hold that Roe [v. Wade] and [Planned Parenthood v.] Casey must be overruled.”
Roe v. Wade is known as the landmark court case on the basis of women’s reproductive rights where the court ruled in favor of women being allowed to get an abortion without major government restriction.
The court has not officially struck down Roe v. Wade. While this leak is detrimental to the progress made for reproductive rights over the past fifty years, the finalized decision and ruling will probably not reach the public for months.
Many people are concerned about the legality of the leak; however, this is only illegal if there were crimes committed when obtaining these discussion drafts. Drafts of Supreme Court opinions are not classified documents according to Reuters. However, even some people with the authority to access these documents would not be allowed to share them. Chief Justice John Roberts considers the leak “an egregious breach.”
Unfortunately, American women have had to fight for their rights throughout history. They fought for their right to vote, to be paid the same wages as men, and to fight in the military. With the current wave of political change and striving for equality, it is surprising to see how quickly women can lose years of progress and rights over their own bodies. We are going backward as a society rather than moving forward.
There are situations where women have been sued by their r*pist after abortion for more money than the r*pist is charged for the crime of r*pe. How in the world is this acceptable?
In September 2021, a new law in Texas, SB 8, was passed. SB 8 limits a person’s access to abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. Most people find out that they are pregnant 4-7 weeks into the pregnancy. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion could be banned in Texas and possibly other states.
On the contrary, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has been making efforts to protect the rights of women, regardless of the final decision on the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
I want to assure every New Jerseyan that today’s news about the Supreme Court does not change access to abortion in our state.
Access to reproductive health care remains available to anyone who needs it in New Jersey.— Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) May 3, 2022
Abortion is not an uncommon occurrence in America. Since the draft ruling was leaked, numerous women have come forward and shared their own stories about abortion, including singer Phoebe Bridgers.
I had an abortion in October of last year while I was on tour. I went to planned parenthood where they gave me the abortion pill. It was easy. Everyone deserves that kind of access.
Here’s a big list of places you can donate to right now. https://t.co/jT0sk6CeNX
— traitor joe (@phoebe_bridgers) May 3, 2022
Outlawing abortion will not end abortion—it will only end safe abortions. People might attempt to perform their own procedures or have a friend do it for them. This is extremely risky, and there is a high chance that something detrimental could happen.
In comparison, other states and countries have been progressively easing the process of safe abortions. Even Ireland, which previously had the strictest abortion laws, has moved toward safer and legal decisions for women’s reproductive rights. Public figures in Europe have taken to their social media to show their support for the women in America.
The right of women to decide what happens to our own bodies is a human right. And experience tells us that removing the legal right to abortion doesn’t stop abortions happening – it just makes them unsafe and puts the lives of women at much greater risk #RoeVWade
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) May 3, 2022
Unfortunately, human rights have always been political in this country. Matters regarding health should never have gotten to a political level.
Contraception and abortion are personal, private, and medical matters which have been politicized to an unhealthy level. What an individual chooses to do with their body is completely up to the individual and a medical professional.
Abortion is a basic human right, and there should not be laws in place preventing people from getting them.

Sophie Kolax

Sophie Kolax is a senior and the Managing Editor at the Valley Echo. Her article "PV sophomore cast in movie" was published in the Pascack Press in 2020...

Emily is a senior who has been part of The Valley Echo since her freshman year. This is her second year as an editor, and she loves being able to share...