The third Valley Cup of the 2023-24 school year was held on March 28, 2024. The events in the third Valley Cup include a relay, a speedball tournament, the hungry-hungry hippo, and a scavenger hunt.
The Panthers Band performed for the Valley Cup.
After a battle to be first in the relay, the Senior Class won.
Sports Editor Bobby Colletti interviewed Daniel Ax as a part of the winning team for the Valley Cup relay.
The juniors won the speedball tournament after they went into a penalty shoot-out round after tying in the regular game. It was a close game with the sophomores losing by one goal in the shoot-out.
For the third event, each class participated in a hungry-hungry hippo race. One student from each class laid, stomachside down, on a cart, holding a laundry basket, while someone else guided them using a rope. Each team used the laundry basket to catch the most balls to win.
Lastly, each class selected a student and teacher to retrieve someone from the crowd. For example, each team would have to race to find someone with a Samsung phone or Ugg boots. Whichever team found someone first won.
Hear what the class presidents had to say about the Valley Cup performances.

Freshman Class President Drew Kirkby
Sophomore Class President Johanna Chang
Junior Class President Robby Wasserman