Plaques containing hateful etchings removed

Superintendent emails Pascack Valley community

Josh DeLuca

The plaques behind the third base baseball dugout were removed Wednesday morning. Pascack Valley Regional High School District Superintendent Erik Gundersen informed the Pascack Valley community in an email.

Pascack Valley administration completed the removal of plaques behind the third base dugout of the baseball field Wednesday morning. The Smoke Signal first reported on Tuesday that the plaques contained etchings of homophobic slurs, racial slurs, and drug references.

According to an email sent to the PV community by Pascack Valley Regional High School District Superintendent Erik Gundersen on Wednesday morning, the school “removed the graffiti to prevent exposure to these messages of intolerance.”

Gundersen noted that the Hillsdale Police Department has launched an investigation into the incident. The investigation aims to determine both “how long the graffiti had been there” and “who is responsible.”

In the email, Gundersen called the graffiti found on the plaques to be “blatantly offensive and hateful in nature.”