PV music department holds annual winter concert

Matt Austin

The Pascack Valley music department held its winter concert on Thursday. Many different musical groups performed, including the Bro Squad and the handchime choir. Above, sophomore Juan Zapateiro and Caleb Elistene accompany the choir.

The PV music department held its winter concert on Dec. 16. Below are some highlights from the show.

Junior Jacob Zeller plays a solo during the jazz band’s performance.

Sophomore Matthew DeSouza conducts while the chamber choir performs.

The hand chime choir plays with choir director Argine Safari.

Sophomore Juan Zapateiro solos and senior Lucas Tytla plays guitar during the Bro Squad’s rendition of Feliz Navidad.

The symphonic band performs during the concert.

The symphonic band plays an upbeat piece.

Junior Elizabeth Barlow solos while Caleb Elistene and sophomore Juan Zapateiro accompany the combined choir on percussion.

The combined choir and band present the finale piece with PV choir alumni.