“The Valley Gal” blog officially up and running
The Smoke Signal is proud to announce that juniors Rachel Barcelona and Serena Steinfeld have recently created PV’s first ever fashion blog, “The Valley Gal.” To visit the blog, click here or find it linked at the top menu on The Smoke Signal home page next to the “slideshows” category.
“We hope that ‘The Valley Gal’ can inspire people to not be afraid to be themselves and know that it’s okay to pursue your dreams and speak your mind,” said Barcelona. “That, essentially, is who a ‘Valley Gal’ is.”
Not only will this blog be discussing all of the new fashion choices and trends that every “Valley Gal” needs to know, but the blog will also feature high school and PV related posts, such as “How to Relieve Stress” and “Do-It-Yourself Backpacks.”
As Steinfeld puts it, “We want everyone to be represented on ‘The Valley Gal’; we want people to get involved, to be excited to visit the blog and see their faces on the screen.”
Both girls are hoping that the blog will inspire others just as it has inspired them and would love to hear comments or questions from any fellow “Valley” student on Twitter: @TheValleyGal.