Valentine’s Day Talent Night
PV choir held their annual Valentine’s Day Talent Night on Feb. 1. PV senior Ryan Muska and Michael Sherman, PV’s video production teacher, hosted the night. Acts included singing, dancing, and instrumental pieces. All performances can be viewed here.
Ariela Alfonso, Tirso Ballesteros, Curstine Guevarra and Jared Diva dance Tinikling, a Filipino Folk Dance.
Aaron Correa perform Back to Black by Amy Winehouse.
Alisa Berenshtein performs Chopin’s Nocturne in C sharp minor on the violin with Mrs. Argine Safari on the piano.
Shauna McLean and William Sandt perform La Vie en Rose.
Matt Killian performs Running Away by Joey Dosik.
Amy Santo and Mr. Tim Santo perform I’ve Just Seen a Face by the Beatles.
Nick Tomasi plays an original guitar piece.
Areg Safari, Tara McNiff, Alisa Berenshtein, Daniel Large, Jack Tarna, and Brendan Martins perform Today is Yesterday’s Tomorrow by Michael Buble.
Kyle Rifkin performs a comedy act.
Mrs. Tracy Recine, Mr. Matt Morone and Isabella Liguori perform a Tom Petty medley.
Giovanna Moralishvili, Lisa Agranov, Steffani Aisenman, Kax Petkovich perform The Run and Go by Twenty One Pilots.
Josh Moriello and Sajel Jani sing Can’t Help Falling In Love With You.
Mr. Anthony Judilla and Sofia Urbaniak sings Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran.
Mr. Jeff Steinfeld sings Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn, accompanied by Mrs. Argine Safari on the piano and Mr. Tim Santo on the bass.
Lindsey Cooper sings Rolling in the Deep by Adele.
Kareena Shah performs an Indian classical fusion dance on Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran.