The “Religion in America” class at Pascack Valley went on a field trip to the Swaminarayan Akshardham mandir to learn more about Hinduism on March 1.
The class is a half-year social studies elective for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. In this class, students study various religions through field trips and guest speakers. This class helps students achieve greater religious literacy, understand the importance of religion in society, and gain a better understanding of why people believe what they believe.
This year, Mathias added the field trip aspect to the class’ topic of Hinduism. According to Mathias, Hinduism really “came alive” for the students during the trip.
“The most interesting part of the trip was observing two Hindu faith practices,” Mathias said.
The first of the two Hindu faith practices observed is called Arti, which means complete love. During this ceremony, Hindu monks and attendants to the deities wave wicks before sacred images. Then, after a short prayer, the wicks were passed around to let members receive the blessing within the infused flames.
“Members hover their down-turned hands over the flame and then reverently touch them to their eyes and head,” Mathias said.

The second of the two Hindu faith practices was called Abhishek.
“Abhishek is the ancient Hindu practice of pouring water over the sacred image of God to honor him and to attain his blessings,” Mathias said. “It is also an opportunity for devotees to pray to God, asking him to cleanse one’s soul.”
This total ceremony takes about ten minutes.

According to Mathias, American figures also were commemorated.
“Another interesting note was that they incorporated American historical figures that represent the values of Bhagwan Swaminarayan such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Albert Einstein,” Mathias said.

“This gave students a new appreciation for the faith in addition to our class studies,” Mathias said.“I plan on continuing the trip next year!”