Welcome back!
The Smoke Signal staff is excited to start off the new year
Editor in Chief Vanessa Rutigliano and the rest of the Smoke Signal staff is ready to hit the ground running this school year.
Welcome back, everyone!
The Smoke Signal will now be reporting on all the latest happenings of the 2015-2016 school year. This site will be updated daily with news, sports, arts, and all things related to PV. We are very excited to be building upon our accomplishments from last year. Two major additions include new digital content such as sports and news shows, and several print editions that will be distributed throughout the year.
Interested in joining our staff? Fill out this brief google form and we’ll contact you shortly. Or, stop by room 219 on Friday, September 4 before school or during lunch.
Our stories for this week include:
- Today: PV’s superintendent speaks out about mascot rumors
- Tomorrow: Football season preview
- Friday: Cross country season preview, PV vs. Hackensack football preview
We are also pleased to announce our new Facebook page, Snapchat, and Instagram account. Make sure you check them out, and be sure to follow us on Twitter: @PVSmokeSignal.
This year’s Editorial Board is as follows:
Vanessa Rutigliano, Editor in Chief
Brianna Ruback, Associate Editor in Chief
Lauren Cohen, Managing Editor
Chandni Shah, Assistant Editor
Claudia Ralph, Sports Editor
Curstine Gueverra, Photography and Print Layout Coordinator
Ashley Lagrosa, Social Media Editor