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The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo

All content by Jamie Ryu
Carlie Rein poses with supervisor Mr. Kevin Killian and an award. Rein is a co-CEO of the Pascack Pi-oneers robotics team.

Building a Champion

Jamie Ryu, Staff Editor
June 11, 2017
A police car and a Firetruck parked on Hillsdale Ave.

Blurred lines

Jamie Ryu, Staff Editor
February 16, 2017
Despite the suspension of virtual days, the district plans to continue to innovate in virtual instruction.

Virtual days are a thing of the past

Jamie Ryu, Staff Editor
February 7, 2017
Several PV students gathered in the Wellness Center to meet and interact with several different Tevaland rescue animals during lunch. PAW raised money for Tevaland.

Non-profit animal farm visits PV

Jamie Ryu, Staff Editor
January 26, 2017
The next DEAR time is scheduled for Jan. 18.

DEAR is a work in progress

Jamie Ryu, Staff Editor
December 21, 2016
The American flag which hangs in the corner of Pascack Valley's "new" gymnasium.

Why I don’t stand for the pledge

Jamie Ryu, Staff Editor
September 12, 2016
Freshman Kax Petkovich is a transgender student at PV and supports the district's new transgender policy.

The journey from Karoline to Kax

Jamie Ryu, Staff Writer
April 12, 2016
The Junior Class cheers at Valley Cup.

Juniors change their class cause

Jamie Ryu, Staff Writer
March 7, 2016
Park Ridge holds its first Virtual Day

Park Ridge holds its first Virtual Day

Jamie Ryu, Staff Writer
February 18, 2016
A change to the current PV teacher parking lot is coming as a part of the new scheduled construction.

PV parking lot scheduled for change

Jamie Ryu, Staff Writer
January 20, 2016
PV's honors Italian 4 class rehearses for the Italian National Honor Society Induction Ceremony, which will be held on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m.

Italian exchange students to visit PV

Jamie Ryu, Staff Writer
December 2, 2015
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The Valley Echo
Jamie Ryu